227 page Book where you discover our simple secret for attracting a stampede of real estate leads without spending a penny on ads, direct mail or cold calling!
227 page Book where you discover our simple secret for attracting a stampede of real estate leads without spending a penny on ads, direct mail or cold calling!
We don’t focus on chasing work
We don’t focus on playing the numbers by "dialing for dollars"
We don’t focus on direct mail and post cards to win work
We don’t focus on spending money on ads
Like taking on any type of work and clients just to keep busy
Endless cold calls to unqualified leads
Wasting money on ads that never pay off
Spending weeks on a client only to then be told by they're going to work with another agent (or even worse - not even hearing back)
22 video recipes (these are proven real estate video ideas you can swipe and deploy into your area)
The exact hashtags you should use (there's over 20 I suggest for every Real Estate Agent!)
"Cut and Paste" headline templates you can use to get MAXIMUM views on your videos (these are proven winners so you never start from scratch)
SECRET #1: A Counter-intuitive secret to instantly position yourself as an expert and authority
SECRET #2: How to control the conversation and close without sounding pushy or "salesy"
SECRET #3: The secret (almost "backwards") way I develop rapport with leads
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