Counter-intuitive new book shows you how to get more buyer and seller leads without cold calling, direct mail or spending a penny on ads

Using The Passive Prospecting system you'll unlock a step-by-step strategy for consistently getting HOT leads calling you while positioning yourself as the #1 Real Estate agent in your market.

Using The Passive Prospecting system you'll unlock a step-by-step strategy for consistently getting HOT leads calling you while positioning yourself as the #1 Real Estate agent in your market.

Hit Play On The Video

What is Passive Prospecting?

Passive Prospecting is a counterintuitive approach to attracting a stampede of qualified leads, closing them on working with you and growing a successful business.

This simple strategy SAVES you thousands of dollars per month because you'll no longer need to waste money on an advertising "blackhole" that doesn't get you the kinds of leads you REALLY need to grow your business.

You can do this without endless cold calls, spending money on ads or sending out postcards that'll get thrown away 98% of the time.

As a Real Estate agent, we do this by harnessing the power of Youtube, which converts a cold audience into high value clients.

And as a can focus on what you actually started your business for in the first instance - to collect commissions and live life on YOUR terms

While freeing up your precious time to enjoy life outside of the business - this is what you'll discover inside The Passive Prospecting book.

Try it now RISK-FREE.  If you don't like it, you pay nothing!

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Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Passive Prospecting


Before I discovered these secrets, my business partner, Travis Plumb and I were told to do what most agents do - tell everyone and anyone that would listen to us that we could sell their home.

We were told to “play the numbers game” with the understanding that if we told 10 people about our services, surely we’d be able to get at least one real lead.

But as you probably already know... you won’t get any real leads from this.

And most people don't when they follow the traditional model of cold calling, sending postcards, going to networking events or dropping a car payment on ads.


The end result of this kind of marketing is low profit margins and working crazy hours trying to win work…

...all while spending time away from family and friends. 

And although some agents may LOOK successful from the outside, internally they’re struggling and on the verge of giving up...

...So I decided to find a better way.

I discovered that our best leads were the ones who came to us... versus us going to them.

And when we found a way to systematically attract fresh, qualified leads like clockwork, we grew our business without any friction.

It felt… and still feels like smooth sailing.

Versus an uphill battle like most agents face.

Want to know how we did it?

Get our book, Passive Prospecting today.

If you don’t like it, we’ll even refund your money so there’s literally nothing to lose.

Enter your details on this page and get started. 

I promise, you'll be happy you did.


The Passive Prospecting Book

227 page Book where you discover our simple secret for attracting a stampede of real estate leads without spending a penny on ads, direct mail or cold calling!

The Passive Prospecting Book

227 page Book where you discover our simple secret for attracting a stampede of real estate leads without spending a penny on ads, direct mail or cold calling!

4 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

The Passive Prospecting Content Cookbook ($495)

If you can read and follow a basic recipe, you have the ability to quickly record ANY you want!  

If you’re just getting started with videos and YouTube, this is going to be a major help!  

5 "In Field" Sales Call Videos ($1,000)

After thousands of calls…

And over $119 Million in closed deals…

I want to share with you EXACTLY what I’ve discovered (new research).

1:1 Clarity Coaching Call ($1,497)When you take action today and try The Passive Prospecting book for only $2.95, you'll also get a one on one coaching call with our Channel Success Manager. 

They're experts and everything YouTube and will put you on the path to success.

Private Community Access (Priceless)You get access to our private Facebook community. It's where we share ideas, help each other out, and provide value to all our members.

Only a few days left

This Offer Expires By:

Your Website Title

Only $2.95 Today

(Save $27.02 today)

Download The eBook For $29.97 Just $2.95! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available For Instant Download

100% secure 256-bit encrypted checkout

Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Places We've Been Featured...

Places We've Been Featured...

The Only System You’ll Ever Need To Get Consistent Leads and high quality clients

Discover How A Small Town Nerd From Texas Stumbled Across A $119 Million Secret For Attracting A Stampede Of Leads Without Spending A Single Penny on Ads or "Dialing For Dollars" Like So Many Agents Needlessly Do For Years

From The Desk Of: Levi Lascsak 

Building a successful Real Estate business (and why this is your only way out of struggle)

Dear Future Passive Prospector,

Surprised to see a $2.95 price tag on one of these?

I thought you might be.

Listen, I can do something you can’t.

I can get real estate leads which come to me and then I can turn those leads into clients all without cold calling, sending out postcards or online ads.


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Passive Prospecting Model that agents from all over the country are now using to attract clients…
...and in turn grow their business faster than ever before...
And best of all have more time to spend on everything they love outside of the business. 

Just Like These Agents, Who Implemented The Passive Prospecting Model, And Soon After, Started Attracting Fresh, Qualified Leads On Autopilot!

And here's some more Agents Thriving With Passive Prospecting…

The Passive Prospecting model is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  •  We don’t focus on chasing work  

  •  We don’t focus on playing the numbers by "dialing for dollars"

  •  We don’t focus on direct mail and post cards to win work

  •  We don’t focus on spending money on ads

In fact: we rarely (if ever) chase after new clients.

Instead our system and Passive Prospecting approach allows You to weed out bad Leads & have high value clients chasing You!

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.
The Passive Prospecting model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it came to running my business.....

  • Like taking on any type of work and clients just to keep busy

  • ​Endless cold calls to unqualified leads

  • Wasting money on ads that never pay off

  • Spending weeks on a client only to then be told by they're going to work with another agent (or even worse - not even hearing back)

The Passive Prospecting Model Freed Me From All Of That And Allowed Me To Take Control Of My Business, Enjoy Real Estate (Without The Stress), And Ultimately Create A Better Quality Of Life in Minimum Time

Here’s what my life used to look like (and if you're a RE agent then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Hamster Wheel Doom”:

❌  Step 1 - Hunt for work and chase leads.

  Step 2 - Finally Get a Client

  Step 3 - Spend weeks or months showing them homes 

  Step 4 - Finally get the deal closed and then the hunt starts all over again.

Being on the Hamster Wheel of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck - forcing me to work with the wrong clients, being tired, stressed and chasing my tail trying to keep things going...

All while working my butt off for little to next to no real profit. 
And to be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole dream of being a “successful Agent”

…But before I gave up and threw in the towel.

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

...It worked...

And I fine-tuned it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System In A 227 Page Book Called Passive Prospecting And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Levi Lascsak…

When I was deployed in Iraq, I learned an extremely valuable lesson.

Complete the Mission.

When you have big dreams, no matter what they may be, you have to remind yourself... NEVER GIVE UP.

There will plenty of times where you don't want to do what you know you have to.

But the key is to stay disciplined.

No matter what.


My life’s pretty good.

My business partner Travis Plumb and I jumped into this real estate game as complete newbies.

We sucked in the beginning and didn't know how to get HOT leads consistently.

We relied on word of mouth and other organic strategies but nothing truly took off.

So what did I do?


I started questioning everything and anything I did because quite frankly, it just wasn't working and it wasn't sustainable.
And since I'm not a pure extrovert... going out and "mingling" at business conferences just wasn't something I wanted to keep doing.

So I broke all the traditional rules of Real Estate and did something very few agents ever do.

By doing this I was able to finally break myself free of the Hamster Wheel of Doom.

And after a lot of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way... I've finally discovered a simple way agents can run their business without ever worrying about where their next client is coming from.

And all without ever needing to cold message, cold call, go to conferences, spend money on ads or send a single post card.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire system I built by reading a $2.95 book called Passive Prospecting.

Listen, Travis and I started uploaded videos... for free... on YouTube.

And guess what happened?

Leads started reaching out...

And it was happening on a daily basis.
Local people wanted to move into a better area and "out of towners" were looking to claim their part of the American dream.

Since stumbling across this strategy... I've outlined my systematic approach to making YouTube work in our #1 selling book called Passive Prospecting.

It's normally $29.97 if you buy it on Amazon.

But like I mentioned above, you won't need to pay that much.
You can get the digital version today for just $2.95.

And the beauty of what I'll show you is that...

...Our Passive Prospecting model truly is a system now.  
When I was just randomly uploading videos, things were "hit or miss".

Now... myself and all the other Passive Prospecters never miss.
And it's because of this systematic approach that's afforded me some of the nicer things in life...

You know.....the nice house, nice car, and something I've wanted for a while... 200 acres of property in Belize (you can see a picture of it below)

And best of all, I get to actually enjoy all these things because I'm not stuck all day trying to get leads. 

Leads come to me with ease and I help them.

It's that simple... and it's exactly what helped Travis and I close $119,000,000 worth of Real Estate in just 2 years.

Heck we've closed more than that but who's counting :).

And we didn't have to make a single cold call, send post cards or spend money on ads.

We also faced zero rejection and embarrassment (since people come to us, we're positioned as true experts).

Here's Your Next Step

Your next step is simple.

Just enter your name and email on this page and you'll be taken to our secure order form to checkout the Passive Prospecting Book for just $2.95.

And to make this even easier of a decision for you, you're also covered by my...

30 Day Money Back guarantee

This is the best guarantee you'll ever get.

Go through The Passive Prospecting book over the next 30 days and if you don't think it's worth at least 100X what you paid... I'll refund your entire $2.95 investment.

The last thing I want is to have bad karma lurking over my shoulder so if you're not completely thrilled with your order... you pay nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.

That makes this $2.95 investment completely RISK-FREE.

All you need to do now is enter your details and get started today to see maximum results in minimum time.

I'll Bribe You To Get This Book By Gifting you These 4 Bonuses for FREE Today!

I'm going to push you over the fence by throwing in 3 BIG bonus gifts when you take fast action and try The Passive Prospecting book today.

BIG BONUS #1 - The Passive Prospecting Content Cookbook ($495 Value)

If you can read and follow a basic recipe, you have the ability to quickly record ANY you want!  

If you’re just getting started with videos and YouTube, this is going to be a major help!  

I’ve designed this book so it reads like a regular cookbook…
Want to record a video but don't know what topics to use? There’s an exact recipe for that...

Want to add hashtags but don't know the best ones? There’s a recipe for that…

This book provides you with:

  • 22 video recipes (these are proven real estate video ideas you can swipe and deploy into your area)

  • The exact hashtags you should use (there's over 20 I suggest for every Real Estate Agent!)

  • "​Cut and Paste" headline templates you can use to get MAXIMUM views on your videos (these are proven winners so you never start from scratch)

The Passive Prospecting Cookbook will be instantly available in your members area portal once you get started today.

Next up is...

BIG BONUS #2 - 5 "In-Field" Sales Videos ($1,000 Value)
After thousands of calls…

And over $119 Million in closed deals…

I want to share with you EXACTLY what I’ve discovered (new research).

This training is going to show you:

“Simple Tweaks Top Producers Use To  Boost Sales……Without Driving Any Extra Traffic!”

These 5 videos are hands-down one of the most important trainings I’ve ever given away because you'll see exactly what I say to close deals and how you can model it for your own success.  

Make sure you keep an eye out for these secrets when watching the 5 "infield" videos...

  • SECRET #1: A Counter-intuitive secret to instantly position yourself as an expert and authority

  • SECRET #2: How to control the conversation and close without sounding pushy or "salesy"

  • SECRET #3: The secret (almost "backwards") way I develop rapport with leads

Your 3rd bonus is...

BIG BONUS #3 - 1:1 Clarity Call With A Channel Success Manager ($1,495 Value)

When you take action today and try The Passive Prospecting book for only $2.95, you'll also get a one on one coaching call with our Channel Success Manager. 

They're experts and everything YouTube and will put you on the path to success.

And this leads us to our 4th BIG Bonus gift...

BIG BONUS #4 - Exclusive Online Community (Priceless!)

To make sure you have all the support and help you need to get started, you'll also get exclusive access to our private Facebook community where we share ideas, strategies and support each other

That's A Total Value Of $2,990.00!

Today - These Gifts Are Yours For FREE!

Getting started is simple and easy.

Just enter your details on this page and you'll be taken to our secure order form where you can complete your checkout safely.

Once you complete your one time transaction, you'll get instant access to The Passive Prospecting book and all of your bonus gifts (there are no monthly rebills or forced memberships).

Take action now. 

I promise, you'll be happy you did.

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
In The World

 so Here’s How To Order Today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.

Price: $5.60

(Save $31.40 today)Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available.

Included In Your Order:

Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Delivered to: Your Email Address / Instant Download

Here's What's Included In The Book

➡️  How to position yourself as the expert through intention based marketing

(All explained on page 3)…

➡️ How to get quality leads from YouTube like clockwork without spending any money on ads. 

(All explained on page 15)…

➡️ The difference between paid marketing and organic marketing and why you should care if you're trying to get HIGH QUALITY leads! 

(All explained on page 25)...

➡️ The step-by-step process to creating content that people want to watch so they reach out and work with you.

(All explained on page 57)…

➡️ Uncover the power of Youtube's algorithm and reach + why it's important to focus on both local and global audiences

(All explained on page 67)…

➡️ Our simple secret for buying your time back... without spending a single penny (not what you might think)

(All explained on page 75)…  

➡️ Why actively prospecting is costing your money and what you need to do ASAP if you want to thrive in this business

(All explained on page 87)…

➡️ How to build out your YouTube channel for maximum reach, exposure and conversions (without setting this up right, you're dead in the water)

(All explained page 99)… 

➡️ How to create irresistible content that makes people want to buy (use these psychological triggers ethically)

(Explained on page 139)…

➡️ Discover the secret behind every successful Real Estate business - their marketing and optimization (just copy and paste our $119 million blueprint)

(Revealed on page 165)… 

➡️ The little known tips and tricks to convert YouTube leads with ease and without any sleazy sales tactics (this is the new way to close deals)

(Turn to page 189)… 

➡️ How to adjust to YouTube changes and harness the power of short form video (we'll show you how to do it the right way)

(Explained on page 203)…

Download The Passive Prospecting Book


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Download The eBook For $29.97 Just $2.95! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Download

Here's What Others Have To Say

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Passive Prospecting?

Passive Prospecting is a short cut agents can use to grow their business in minimum time by attracting a stampede of leads over the next 90 days without cold calling, spending money on ads or sending out postcards.

  • Who is this for?

This is for agents, freelancers, entrepreneurs and anyone that has the desire to grow their business effortlessly where you're positioned as an authority instead of a pest or sales person.

  • Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this Book but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

  • How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

It works! I have a proven track record of using this in my own business and have helped over 700 other agents implement their own Passive Prospecting system!

  • I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This Passive Prospecting special offer really is special. I wanted to make it so good that you'd be crazy by not ordering it if attracting quality leads is of any interest to you.

What you'll get is the Passive Prospecting Book and today, our special offer includes:

1- The Passive Prospecting Book (Valued at $29.97)

2- The Passive Prospecting Content Cookbook (Valued At $497)

3- 5 "In-Field" Sales Videos (Valued At $1,000)

4- 1:1 Clarity Call (Valued At $1,497)

5- Exclusive Online Community (Valued At PRICELESS)

  • Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in

Download The Passive Prospecting Book Today RISK-FREE


(Save $27.02 today)
Download The eBook For $29.97Just $2.95! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Download

Included Bonuses

The Passive Prospecting Content Cookbook

If you can read and follow a basic recipe, you have the ability to quickly record ANY video you want!  
And… If you’re just getting started with videos and YouTube, the Content Cookbook is going to be a major help!  

5 "In Field" Sales Call Videos

After thousands of calls…
And over $119 Million in closed deals…
I want to share with you EXACTLY what I’ve discovered (new research).

1:1 Clarity Coaching Call($1,497)

When you take action today and try The Passive Prospecting book for only $2.95, you'll also get a one on one coaching call with our Channel Success Manager. 
They're experts and everything YouTube and will put you on the path to success.

Private Community Access

You get access to our private Facebook community. It's where we share ideas, help each other out, and provide value to all our members.

The Passive Prospecting Framework 

Step 1- Upload Videos...

We show you the kind of videos your prospects want to see so there's no guesswork.

Step 2- Get Leads...

Using the system we show you, you'll attract the right type of clients for you and your business.

Step 3 - Turn Your Leads Into Clients...

Follow along with my sales call video bonus and effortlessly close Youtube leads with ease.


(Save $31.40 today)
Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.


You're also getting..
Exclusive Video Training$700,000 Website TemplateQuickstart PDF Guide2 Hour Agency Community7 Day Fast Start Video Series

Discover How A Small Town Nerd From Texas Stumbled Across A $119 Million Secret For Attracting A Stampede Of Leads Without Spending A Single Penny on Ads or "Dialing For Dollars" Like So Many Agents Needlessly Do For Years

From The Desk Of: Levi Lascsak 

Building a successful Real Estate business (and why this is your only way out of struggle)

Dear Future Passive Prospector,

Surprised to see a $2.95 price tag on one of these?

I thought you might be.

Listen, I can do something you can’t.

I can get real estate leads which come to me and then I can turn those leads into clients all without cold calling, sending out postcards or online ads.


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Passive Prospecting Model that agents from all over the country are now using to attract clients…

...and in turn grow their business faster than ever before...

And best of all have more time to spend on everything they love outside of the business. 

Just Like These Agents, Who Implemented The Passive Prospecting Model, And Soon After, Started Attracting Fresh, Qualified Leads On Autopilot!

And here's some more Agents Thriving With Passive Prospecting…

The Passive Prospecting model is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  •  We don’t focus on chasing work  

  •  We don’t focus on playing the numbers by "dialing for dollars"

  •  We don’t focus on direct mail and post cards to win work

  •  We don’t focus on spending money on ads

In fact: we rarely (if ever) chase after new clients.

Instead our system and Passive Prospecting approach allows You to weed out bad Leads & have high value clients chasing You!

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Passive Prospecting model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it came to running my business.....

  • Like taking on any type of work and clients just to keep busy

  • ​Endless cold calls to unqualified leads

  • Wasting money on ads that never pay off

  • Spending weeks on a client only to then be told by they're going to work with another agent (or even worse - not even hearing back)

The Passive Prospecting Model Freed Me From All Of That And Allowed Me To Take Control Of My Business, Enjoy Real Estate (Without The Stress), And Ultimately Create A Better Quality Of Life in Minimum Time

Here’s what my life used to look like (and if you're a RE agent then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Hamster Wheel Doom”:

  Step 1 - Hunt for work and chase leads.

  Step 2 - Finally Get a Client

  Step 3 - Spend weeks or months showing them homes 

  Step 4 - Finally get the deal closed and then the hunt starts all over again.

Being on the Hamster Wheel of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck - forcing me to work with the wrong clients, being tired, stressed and chasing my tail trying to keep things going...

All while working my butt off for little to next to no real profit. 

And to be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole dream of being a “successful Agent”

…But before I gave up and threw in the towel.

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

...It worked...

And I fine-tuned it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System In A 227 Page Book Called Passive Prospecting And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Levi Lascsak…

When I was deployed in Iraq, I learned an extremely valuable lesson.

Complete the Mission.

When you have big dreams, no matter what they may be, you have to remind yourself... NEVER GIVE UP.

There will plenty of times where you don't want to do what you know you have to.

But the key is to stay disciplined.

No matter what.


My life’s pretty good.

My business partner Travis Plumb and I jumped into this real estate game as complete newbies.

We sucked in the beginning and didn't know how to get HOT leads consistently.

We relied on word of mouth and other organic strategies but nothing truly took off.

So what did I do?


I started questioning everything and anything I did because quite frankly, it just wasn't working and it wasn't sustainable.

And since I'm not a pure extrovert... going out and "mingling" at business conferences just wasn't something I wanted to keep doing.

So I broke all the traditional rules of Real Estate and did something very few agents ever do.

By doing this I was able to finally break myself free of the Hamster Wheel of Doom.

And after a lot of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way...

...I've finally discovered a simple way agents can run their business without ever worrying about where their next client is coming from.

And all without ever needing to cold message, cold call, go to conferences, spend money on ads or send a single post card.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire system I built by reading a $2.95 book called Passive Prospecting.

Listen, Travis and I started uploaded videos... for free... on YouTube.

And guess what happened?

Leads started reaching out...

And it was happening on a daily basis.

Local people wanted to move into a better area and "out of towners" were looking to claim their part of the American dream.

Since stumbling across this strategy... I've outlined my systematic approach to making YouTube work in our #1 selling book called Passive Prospecting.

It's normally $29.97 if you buy it on Amazon.

But like I mentioned above, you won't need to pay that much.

You can get the digital version today for just $2.95.

And the beauty of what I'll show you is that...

...Our Passive Prospecting model truly is a system now.  

When I was just randomly uploading videos, things were "hit or miss".

Now... myself and all the other Passive Prospecters never miss.

And it's because of this systematic approach that's afforded me some of the nicer things in life...

You know.....the nice house, nice car, and something I've wanted for a while... 200 acres of property in Belize (you can see a picture of it below)

And best of all, I get to actually enjoy all these things because I'm not stuck all day trying to get leads. 

Leads come to me with ease and I help them.

It's that simple... and it's exactly what helped Travis and I close $119,000,000 worth of Real Estate in just 2 years.

Heck we've closed more than that but who's counting :).

And we didn't have to make a single cold call, send post cards or spend money on ads.

We also faced zero rejection and embarrassment (since people come to us, we're positioned as true experts).

Here's Your Next Step

Your next step is simple.

Just enter your name and email on this page and you'll be taken to our secure order form to checkout the Passive Prospecting Book for just $2.95.

And to make this even easier of a decision for you, you're also covered by my...

30 Day Money Back guarantee

This is the best guarantee you'll ever get.

Go through The Passive Prospecting book over the next 30 days and if you don't think it's worth at least 100X what you paid... I'll refund your entire $2.95 investment.

The last thing I want is to have bad karma lurking over my shoulder so if you're not completely thrilled with your order... you pay nothing.

Zero. Zip. Nada.

That makes this $2.95 investment completely RISK-FREE.

All you need to do now is enter your details and get started today to see maximum results in minimum time.

I'll Bribe You To Get This Book By Gifting you These 4 Bonuses for FREE Today!

I'm going to push you over the fence by throwing in 3 BIG bonus gifts when you take fast action and try The Passive Prospecting book today.

BIG BONUS #1 - The Passive Prospecting Cookbook ($495 Value)

If you can read and follow a basic recipe, you have the ability to quickly record ANY you want!  

If you’re just getting started with videos and YouTube, this is going to be a major help!  

I’ve designed this book so it reads like a regular cookbook…

Want to record a video but don't know what topics to use?

There’s an exact recipe for that...

Want to add hashtags but don't know the best ones? T

here’s a recipe for that…

This book provides you with:

  • 22 video recipes (these are proven real estate video ideas you can swipe and deploy into your area)

  • The exact hashtags you should use (there's over 20 I suggest for every Real Estate Agent!)

  • "​Cut and Paste" headline templates you can use to get MAXIMUM views on your videos (these are proven winners so you never start from scratch)

The Passive Prospecting Cookbook will be instantly available in your members area portal once you get started today.

Next up is...
BIG BONUS #2 - 5 "In-Field" Sales Videos ($1,000 Value)
After thousands of calls…
And over $119 Million in closed deals…
I want to share with you EXACTLY what I’ve discovered (new research).
This training is going to show you:

“Simple Tweaks Top Producers Use To  Boost Sales……Without Driving Any Extra Traffic!”

These 5 videos are hands-down one of the most important trainings I’ve ever given away because you'll see exactly what I say to close deals and how you can model it for your own success.  
Make sure you keep an eye out for these secrets when watching the 5 "infield" videos...

  • SECRET #1: A Counter-intuitive secret to instantly position yourself as an expert and authority

  • SECRET #2: How to control the conversation and close without sounding pushy or "salesy"

  • SECRET #3: The secret (almost "backwards") way I develop rapport with leads

Your 3rd bonus is...
BIG BONUS #3 - 1:1 Clarity Call With A Channel Success Manager ($1,495 Value)
When you take action today and try The Passive Prospecting book for only $2.95, you'll also get a one on one coaching call with our Channel Success Manager. 
They're experts and everything YouTube and will put you on the path to success.
And this leads us to our 4th BIG Bonus gift...
BIG BONUS #4 - Exclusive Online Community (Priceless!)
To make sure you have all the support and help you need to get started, you'll also get exclusive access to our private Facebook community where we share ideas, strategies and support each other

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Here's What's Included In The Book

  How to position yourself as the expert through intention based marketing
(All explained on page 3)…

  How to get quality leads from YouTube like clockwork without spending any money on ads. 
(All explained on page 15)…

  The difference between paid marketing and organic marketing and why you should care if you're trying to get HIGH QUALITY leads! 
(All explained on page 25)...

  The step-by-step process to creating content that people want to watch so they reach out and work with you.
(All explained on page 57)…

  Uncover the power of Youtube's algorithm and reach + why it's important to focus on both local and global audiences
(All explained on page 67)…

 Our simple secret for buying your time back... without spending a single penny (not what you might think)
(All explained on page 75)…  

  Why actively prospecting is costing your money and what you need to do ASAP if you want to thrive in this business
(All explained on page 87)…

  How to build out your YouTube channel for maximum reach, exposure and conversions (without setting this up right, you're dead in the water)
(All explained page 99)… 

  How to create irresistible content that makes people want to buy (use these psychological triggers ethically)
(Explained on page 139)…

  Discover the secret behind every successful Real Estate business - their marketing and optimization (just copy and paste our $119 million blueprint)
(Revealed on page 165)… 

  The little known tips and tricks to convert YouTube leads with ease and without any sleazy sales tactics (this is the new way to close deals)
(Turn to page 189)… 

  How to adjust to YouTube changes and harness the power of short form video (we'll show you how to do it the right way)
(Explained on page 203)…

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Included Bonuses

The Passive Prospecting Cookbook
If you can read and follow a basic recipe, you have the ability to quickly record ANY you want!  
If you’re just getting started with videos and YouTube, this is going to be a major help!  

5 "In Field" Sales Call Videos
After thousands of calls…
And over $119 Million in closed deals…
I want to share with you EXACTLY what I’ve discovered (new research).

1:1 Clarity Coaching Call($1,497)
When you take action today and try The Passive Prospecting book for only $2.95, you'll also get a one on one coaching call with our Channel Success Manager. 
They're experts and everything YouTube and will put you on the path to success.

Private Community Access
You get access to our private Facebook community. It's where we share ideas, help each other out, and provide value to all our members.

The Passive Prospecting Framework 

Step 1- Upload Videos...

We show you the kind of videos your prospects want to see so there's no guesswork.

Step 2- Get Leads...

Using the system we show you, you'll attract the right type of clients for you and your business.

Step 3 - Turn Your Leads Into Clients...

Follow along with my sales call video bonus and effortlessly close Youtube leads with ease.


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You're also getting..
Exclusive Video Training$700,000 Website TemplateQuickstart PDF Guide2 Hour Agency Community7 Day Fast Start Video Series

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Builders Business Blueprint...

From: The Desk Of Theo Manifavas 

Building a successful building business (and why this is your only way out)

Dear builder friend
I can do something you can’t.
I can get building leads which come to me and then I can turn those leads into paying customers all before I've signed a building contract.
Where I'm paid to quote their project and to manage all the pre construction requirements and at the same time I’m planning out the project in the process.
And then...
Those same customers become my high value, high profit building contract clients.
Would it surprise you even more to learn that I’ve successfully implemented the information revealed in this [INSERT NUMBER OF PAGES] page book in my own building company.

You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of running a residential building company for over 10 years now. 
The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.
If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS eBOOK.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.
With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Customer Conversion and Planning to Profit Model that builders from all over the world are now using to win profitable work…
...and in turn grow their building business faster than ever before...
...all while planning their projects in the early stages, so they can focus on what they do best - building.
And best of all have more time to spend on everything they love outside of the business. 

Just Like Vince Orlando, Who Implemented The builders Business Blueprint Model And Soon After Started Signing $1m Plus Luxury high End Building Work

This Is Aaron Cilia, Another Builders Business Blueprint Member, Who Read The Book Not Too Long Ago…

And you can BET...

This Builders Business Blueprint model is unlike any method you heard of before…
…This is something completely different, because…

  •  We don’t focus on chasing any type of work  

  •  We don’t focus on playing the numbers game with tenders and quoting

  •  We don’t focus on negotiations to win work

  •  We don’t focus on price cutting

  •  We don’t take on just on any clients

  •  We don’t plan out our projects after the fact.

In fact: we rarely (if ever) chase after new clients.

Instead our systems and approach allows us to weed out bad clients & have high  value clients chasing us.

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.
The Builders Business Blueprint model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it came to running my building business.....

  • Like taking on any type of work and clients just to keep busy 

  • ​Endless tenders and quoting to try win the work

  • Negotiating with clients and being number crunched

  • Spending days and weeks on a file only to then be told they’re going with another builder (or even worse - not even hearing back)

  • ​Reactionary planning and the last minute rush of trying to plan and organise projects after they’d commenced

  • ​Dealing with variations and design changes during the build

The Builders Business Blueprint Model Freed Me From All That And Allowed Me To Take Control Of My Business, Enjoy Building (Without The Stress), And Ultimately Create A Better Quality Of Life 

Here’s what my life used to look like (and if you’ve ever run a building company, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this “Building Doom”:

  Step 1 - Hunt for work and chase up leads.

  Step 2 - Accept to tender on all projects with no clear strategy in place.

  Step 3 - Spend time preparing full cost estimates and tender proposals. 

  Step 4 - Prospect shocked with the high price, chases up other quotes.

  Step 5 - Builder wonders why he hasn’t heard back - follows up with email as prospect now doesn’t answer calls.

  Step 6 - Prospect responds with something along the lines of “we’re just reviewing and will come back to you” - this means they’re waiting on other quotes. 

  Step 7 - Prospect tries to compare quotes and more often than not realises all their quotes are coming back higher than expected.

  Step 8 - If you’re the preferred builder, the prospect comes back disclosing what their budget is - hoping they can bring down the price.

  Step 9 -  Builder number crunches and makes price adjustments to try to get the cost down.

  Step 10 - Emails/phone calls/meetings to further negotiate, value engineer and discount the price in order to close the deal.

  Step 11 - If you’ve made this far, you sign up the contract at a discounted price (ultimately reducing your margin).

  Step 12 - Now that you’ve signed the job you can start planning but the client wants to start yesterday with all the delays to date (and you need the cash flow) so you rush to get out of the ground and get it going (no time for proper planning).

  Step 13 - Your other projects are finishing up (in and amongst the usual madness of being poorly planned out) and you need more work to feed the beast....

  Step 14 -  Start over and back to Step 1

Being in the Building Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for 5 years - forcing me to build for the wrong clients, being tired, stressed and chasing my tail trying to keep things going...

All while working my ass off for little to next to no profit. 
And to be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole dream of being a “successful builder”. 

…But before I gave up and threw in the towel.
I wanted to try something.
Something that - if it worked.
It would change everything.
And as you're about to find out, what I tried...
...It worked...
And I spent years turning it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System In A [INSERT NUMBER OF PAGES] Page Book Called “Builders Business Blueprint” And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.
I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.
My name’s Theo Manifavas…
You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design - but that will change once you invest in yourself and

Builders Business Blueprint today....
My life’s pretty good.
I'm partner in an 8-figure building business where we now build luxury custom homes and boutique development projects for the right clients.

This has afforded me some of the nicer things in life...

You know.....the nice house, cars, holiday home, boat, holidays and everything you dream of being rewarded with when you become a builder. 

And best of all, I get to experience all these things with my beautiful family who I now have more time to spend with.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realise That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was On March 6th 2016 (My Daughters Birthday)

I was 32 years old, and had recently become a partner in the building business I worked for - happy days!
Or at least I thought...
I was working 12 hour days, 6 days a week (and sometimes even Sundays).
We had so much work we couldn’t keep up.
Which is usually a good problem to have...
...provided there’s a pay day at the end of it all.
But instead of being rewarded with a nice profit to take home at the end of the year, we were instead maxing out overdrafts and taking out loans to pay bills before the Christmas break.
All the work we had taken on was underquoted, poorly planned, and poorly managed.
And as a result what little was left in the jobs was not enough to make ends meet.
We needed to top up our cash reserves, pay back what we owed and not go out of business.
So what did we do?

...We hunted for work and chased up leads.
...Spent our days and nights pricing and tendering to try to win the work we needed to stay afloat.
And in the process of all this.... work hours went from 12 to 14 hour days so we didn’t fall even further behind in managing the day to day operations. 

But it wasn’t all bad news... amongst all of this, on March 6th 2016, my beautiful baby girl was born.

The only problem was that instead of being there for my wife in full body, mind and spirit - I was a mess both physically and mentally from all the work pressure and stress.
To the point where I collapsed from exhaustion and basically passed out on the hospital floor (where you would have thought I was the one giving birth)...
Luckily though, in that short period where I didn't know if I had passed out, was sleeping or just dreaming...

It was enough to give me a recharge, bring me back to life, and allow me to be there for my wife and to welcome our new baby girl into this world.
And at the end of the day, when I got to sit back and hold my baby girl as she slept in my arms, I reflected back on the night before, and all that was before it... 
...and I realised what was important and what mattered most...
...and that was family. 
Yes I had goals, dreams and aspirations...
And I wanted more out of life...
But it couldn’t come at the expense of my health...
...and at the expense of my family.
So when we got back from the hospital and we’d all settled in, I knew what I had to do...

...I started looking for a way out - So I could have a business & My Health.

My first instinct was to jump in front of the computer and hope that Google had the magic answer...
And although I got some good tips and reminders on what I knew I should be doing as a construction business owner (but as always, was too busy to implement)...
....nothing really stood out and offered me that solution...that magic answer I was looking for. 
So after spending a few hours searching, reading, and going deeper down the rabbit hole (which only further added to my confusion and despair)....
...I decided to distract myself, reminisce, and started browsing through old folders of completed projects....
...looking at some of our very first projects where we didn’t have a worry in the world...
...the good old days, when we were first starting out, and taking on a new job was an exciting time where we woke up every morning and went to work as builders, loving what we did....
And then something caught my eye.
Amongst looking through our past projects, I came across a Preliminary Agreement document hiding within the folders of one of our first renovation projects...
One of the first projects we had taken on where we had also partnered up with an old acquaintance who was a veteran builder...
This guy had been around for over 30 years operating as a one man army and was known for his high end, and then as we found out, high profit work, where he’d make a killing from each job that he took on...
And I knew he was making a killing when we went out for a celebratory dinner one night after we’d finished our first project together and he was ordering $1500 Penfolds Grange as casually as someone ordering a glass of water (mind blowing for me having not long ago just finished uni and still getting use the idea of not having to ration my weekly expenses!)....
But back to business...
I remember we had done a few jobs together where he was using us for our carpentry hands and site supervision and we used him for the work he was able to bring in (he had a waiting list of high end clients wanting to use his services).
It was an envious position for us to want to be in at the time with the work he was able to bring in and now I could see that on this job,

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Here's What's Included In The Book

  How to position yourself as the building expert through what you already know and be paid for this expertise (through your Pre Construction service). 
(All explained on page 26)…

  How to differentiate yourself in the market so you can be laser focused with your advertising and stand out from the crowd. 
(List is located on page 39)…

  How to have a receptionist manage all your enquiries so you can focus on only the high quality leads (and at a time that suits you!). 
(Revealed on page 68)...

  The step-by-step process to managing phone, email and social media enquiries to filter out your high quality leads (and how this is all centred on one document - your Project Questionnaire).
(All explained on page 68)…

  How to sell your Pre Construction service and get your leads wanting this service without selling at all!
(All Explained on Page 89)…

 The psychological sales secrets to implement during your first owner meeting where you’ll have them under your spell (without them even knowing!). 
(Broken down on page 103)…  

  The step-by-step process to signing up the owner for your Pre Construction service, and how you’ll use your secret weapon - your Pre Construction Program, to seal the deal.
(Outlined on page 125)…

  How to use the Design Development stage to not only have all the plans and documentation prepared for the owner, but also everything you need for the construction stage as well (saving you having to prepare this yourself!).
(All explained page 143)… 

  How you can use the Cost Finalisation stage (in submitting your building quote), to commence your construction planning and be on the front foot when it comes to tenders, contracting and preparing your bill of quantities.
(Explained on page 180)…

  The secret behind every successful construction business - their programming and scheduling, and how you can implement the same Pre Construction Program and scheduling principles to wow your customers and manage the works.
(Revealed on page 193)… 

  The little known tips and tricks to ensure you’re on top of all your permits, approvals, and services requirements to have your projects ready to go (this can save you tens of thousands of dollars in unexpected and avoidable costs!). 
(Turn to page 198)… 

  How to use the same quote you submitted to the owner (as part of the Cost Finalisation stage) as your final Contract Specification to save you preparing new documentation and also allowing for a smooth transition to contract signing.
(Explained on page 213)…

  How to convert your leads into a customer in the same way you’d convert a girl or partner into something more! All explained in the bonus chapter, Sales Sex Talk. 
(Check out page 219)…

  The exact software tools and project management systems we use within our construction business to run our building operation like clockwork. All explained in the bonus chapter, Building Business Tech Stack. 
(See page 244)…

  How you can undertake successful property developments alongside your client contract work and everything you need to know and look out for in undertaking a property development. All explained in the bonus chapter, Property Development for Builders. 
(See page 244)…

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Included Bonuses

Proven Pre Construction Plan
This is the exact Gantt chart program we provide our clients at the sales stage to highlight all the Pre Construction stage works we’ll be undertaking (PDF file).

Supplier Simplification System
Keep track of all the trades and suppliers who tender on your project as well as who you’ve contracted with this Tender & Contracting Register spreadsheet (Excel file).

Professional Project Management System
Get our entire Google drive job folder system which covers each stage of the builders lifecycle (includes over 190 folders and subfolders).

Organised Office Builder System
Keep all your hardcopy project documentation in order with these custom job folder labels.

Perfect Project Performance Roadmap
The exact project roadmap we use to guide our way through each project stage. Our entire project operation has been mapped out so you can see what needs to be done at each stage in your projects lifecycle journey.

Private Community Access
We’ll give you access to our private Facebook community where we share ideas, help each other out, and provide value to one another.

Building Industry News 

  HIA members have raised concerns about quoting for projects free of charge and the impact this practice can have on a business’s cashflow...

  Traps in preliminary agreements and how to avoid them as builder...Source:

  Approaches to project planning and cycles have changed for many companies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Project managers and teams have to adapt to stay on track...

  How To Establish Rapport With A Prospect And Create A Solid Sales Relationship...

  Project management skills crucial to avoid construction project failure...

  Project Management during the pre-construction phases and how this is taken into account within the development industry...

   The global construction industry is expected to reach an estimated $10.5 trillion by 2023 with the residential segment is expected to remain the largest segment...Source:

The Builders Business Blueprint Framework 

Get Leads...

who find your building business and want to work with you (and never have to worry about finding work again).

Manage Enquiries & Qualify...

the right type of customers for you and your building business.

Turn Your Leads Into Customers...

through a step-by-step sales system and your pre construction offering.

Get Paid...

for the pre construction work you undertake and the building expertise you provide.

Plan Out Your Projects...

so that you're organised and in control. No more last minute job planning.

Close The Deal...

without endless quoting, price adjustments and reduced margins. Get high profit clients wanting to work with you.

Set Up Your Building Systems...

using the same project management tools we use to run an efficient and organised building company.


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Why Am I doing This?

That's an easy one!

I want you to be blown away by the quality of The Passive Prospecting book so when I try to sell you something that's more expensive in the future... you buy it and refer others.

Simple. Easy. 100% Transparent.

Too honest?

Well, it's the truth. I want to over deliver and blow you away with value. 

That way you'll understand that we are the real deal and that our content is top notch!

So... Now It's Up To You!

Will you still struggle and do stuff the old way, or will you be the master of your own destiny, grab the bull by the horns and become the high paid Real Estate Agent you know you want to be but don't know if you truly deserve.

If you're like me...

...where you rather just close deals...and spend your time doing things you actually want to do...

...without having to do any of the cold calling or talking to unqualified leads... then that means...

The Passive Prospecting book is for you!

By accessing this book, you understand that you’ll be shown exactly what you need to build a profitable and sustainable real estate career… working on your terms (the way you originally planned).

And when you order now, you’ll gain instant access to endless possibilities.

Possibilities that are normally reserved for those “born into wealth”.

But now - it’s right here at your fingertips.

Get it now, while it's still available for only $2.95...

That's less than a coffee and it's backed by a 30 day money back guarantee.

So if you don't like it... I pay you back every penny.
So jump in, like tons of other smart agents have done before you and get this simple system for creating a true freedom-based agent lifestyle.

To The Evolving Agent,

Levi Lascsak and Travis Plumb

P.S. After going through The Passive Prospecting Book, you’ll have three (3) very important assets in your “toolbox”...

​1) You’ll know the secrets to attracting almost unlimited leads (no more guessing if you'll be able to make your mortgage or rent payments... use Passive Prospecting to sustainably grow any business)

2) You’ll be given proven formulas, video ideas and templates inside the FREE bonuses so that you never have to start anything from scratch (unless you want to)

3) And, when you use the Passive Prospecting successfully, you could be like some of these people...

No more chasing clients, wasted time Or Wasted Money On Online Ads, Cold calling Or Direct Mail

Clients Want You As Their Agent And This Book Shows You How To Attract Them Easily

If Travis and I Can Do This, So Can You!

Listen, You Too Can Do This

It took me a while to figure things out but it doesn't have to be that way for you.

I already did all of the hard work for you.'

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to download this book right now and most important of all - implement!

That’s it… it's as easy as 1-2-3.

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 Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Passive Prospecting?

Passive Prospecting is a short cut agents can use to grow their business in minimum time by attracting a stampede of leads over the next 90 days without cold calling, spending money on ads or sending out postcards.

  • Who is this for?

This is for agents, freelancers, entrepreneurs and anyone that has the desire to grow their business effortlessly where you're positioned as an authority instead of a pest or sales person.

  • Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this book but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

  • How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

It works! I have a proven track record of using this in my own business and have helped over 700 other agents implement their own Passive Prospecting system!

  • I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This Passive Prospecting special offer really is special. I wanted to make it so good that you'd be crazy by not ordering it if attracting quality leads is of any interest to you.

What you'll get is the Passive Prospecting Book and today, our special offer includes:

1- The Passive Prospecting Book (Valued at $29.97)

2- The Passive Prospecting Content
Cookbook (Valued At $497)

3- 5 "In-Field" Sales Videos (Valued At $1,000)

4- 1:1 Clarity Call (Valued At $1,497)

5- Exclusive Online Community (Valued At PRICELESS)

  • Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you and I even let you keep the book and bonuses.

More Proof That This Book Is For You

Passive Prospecting © 2024

We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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